Known for his role as the ultimate movie star’s sidekick, Bobby is no ordinary pup. He’s the trusty companion of Kevin Costner; the star of Horizon: An American Saga, Yellowstone, The Bodyguard, Dances with Wolves, and countless other epic films. While Kevin has captivated audiences on screen for decades, it’s Bobby who’s winning hearts off-screen. His charm, adorable face, and undeniable star power makes Bobby irresistible. For this issue, we had the pleasure of meeting Bobby, in his home in Santa Barbara. We also interviewed Kevin Costner himself to learn more about his sweet, and not-so-little puppy.
When I leave the house, I return to find a trail of my clothes and shoes up and down the hallway and in his dog bed. He decides which piece goes in his bed. It’s almost like he’s shopping. At first I was terrified when I saw this; as I saw only one shoe and thought the other was completely torn up somewhere…. As it turns out, he has never torn up any of my clothes or shoes, he’s as gentle as can be… including my glasses. Everything is left perfectly. It’s everything else he tears up… He’s torn up two of my scripts, and papers. But never any of my clothes. He’s a funny guy.
Tell us about Bobby’s lifestyle. What does his daily schedule look like?
His lifestyle starts with putting his 100 lbs on my chest every morning, with his nose about 4 inches from my face. It’s my alarm clock that tells me it’s time to wake up! If he’s not with me every day, he’s with his pack of 12 dogs with his dog walker, Tammy- who takes wonderful care of him.
We know you’re a dog person. How many dogs have you had in your life, so far?
Always. They’ve been my pals my whole life… I’ve had 10 dogs: Tippy, Casey, Darby. Rosie “Rosalita”, Wyatt, Jewel. Daisy, Poppy, Winnie and Bobby. Tippy was a mutt. Casey was a German Shorthair. Darby was a Brittany Spaniel. Rosie, Daisy, Jewel & Wyatt were white labs. Poppy & Winne are Golden-labradoodles. Bobby is an English Boxhead Lab.
What is it about Labs that drew you to this breed, in particular?
The combination of disposition and being able to be with them in the field. I love them in the house, on the couch or in front of the fire place… they’re never very far.
How did Bobby come into your life? And, when?
It’s safe to say that Wyatt was my dog of a lifetime… and I was never sure that I would have another one… but there became a moment when I missed the experience of being out in the wild by myself with my dog, the companionship. The people closest around me, especially my assistant Sam, who has been with me for over 26 years said it was time for me to have a dog of my own, and so last Christmas, appeared Bobby into my life. I took a chance and Bob has become something I didn’t see coming, and I can tell I will never forget. He’s just the best.
Where does Bobby stay? Or, does he travel with you?
Bobby is with me always. He’s either at my feet, my bed, on the couch… just always by my side. He travels with me on set and on vacations when it’s appropriate and possible.
Does Bobby still try to go inside the dishwasher?
He’s too big now. He just loved the feeling of the dishwasher as a puppy. He doesn’t fit in there anymore, but I’m sure he would try, if he could.
Has Bobby appeared in any of your films? Or, does Bobby have any upcoming projects that we should look out for?
Not yet… but who knows, one day maybe he will pop up on the big screen.
Give us 10 Facts about Bobby.
Bobby’s one year old. He’s 100 lbs now, but he thinks he weighs 20lbs. He likes to “lean in” with all his weight on you! He loves carrots. His worst habit is jumping up on the kitchen counter, which he’s taller than when he’s on his hind legs, and we have to make sure that everything is pushed far back enough so that he can’t reach it! He’s been known to swipe a piece or two of steak off the counter! Bobby is always happy. If you’re having a bad day, just get a hug from Bobby. He’s a comfort to everyone. He brings joy to everyone who meets him. You can’t meet Bobby and not love him. He howls at the door when you leave… or if you close a door to keep him out, he will stand there for a while and just moan, until of course you can’t resist and let him in! He doesn’t like the pool, but loves the ocean. He loves to run really fast and slide down the long hallway. He loves to hang out in the office with Sam & Michelle and lay under the desk that he doesn’t fit in anymore, but tries to. His tail is a whip and nothing is safe around it. He hates nobody. He loves everyone.

How do you plan to spend Christmas with Bobby, this year?
Well, there will be lots of food… so I imagine Bobby will be very close… He will not be wearing a hat [as he did for DOGUE shoot].
We are so grateful to Bobby, Kevin Costner and his team for making this issue possible. Bobby is a beautiful and happy soul. It was our absolute pleasure to observe him in his natural habitat, and watch him run wild and free with his pack. We also enjoyed meeting Bobby’s dedicated pack leaders, his team, and his legendary human. They say that behind every great man there’s a great partner. We say that behind every great man there is a great dog, and in this case – a few of them!